Here's to 2009 being a year of prosperity, love, kindness, appreciation and laughter! (And on a personal note for me, here's to being more patient and creative. Well, and organized too.)
With a new year I thought it time for a new approach . That approach being one of not hiding behind my computer. If I were in the entertainment business, I wouldn't want to be an actor (no lime light for me, thank you very much), but a set designer/builder. I like the creating, the behind the scenes. I'd much rather put a party together than attend one.
But, I've noticed loads of people put their photos on their blogs and I really like it. It's so much more personal to me. More friendly. SO, I've officially left my comfort zone and put my mug on my blog page. It's GINORMOUS!! I don't know how to make it smaller. If anyone knows how I can make it smaller, I beg of you to leave a comment or email me and tell me how. Quickly, so I can stop the cold sweats. Oh my, I miss my comfort zone already!
Happy 2009!!
UPDATE: 1-28-2009 Cathe Holden over at
Just Something I Made came to my rescue and told me how to make my mugshot smaller. She actually sent me a smaller photo for me to drop in and emailed me the steps she took to make the photo smaller. It had to do with Photoshop Elements and making the photo 125 pixels. THANK YOU CATHE!!